Thursday, August 1, 2024

Much needed update and a new direction for my blogspot

 Hello everyone!

What began as us saying we would have an adventure and try Hong Kong out for maybe 3 years has now become 6 years. So much has happened during this time. 

A lot in HK. A lot throughout the world as a whole. A lot in our little family here. A lot of changes. 

Many of our friends left HK over the past few years. HK is said to be a revolving door. A place where many come for a few years as ESL teachers or as church planters or missions workers or even those in government jobs for the Consulate. But, with the global changes the revolving door seems to be only one direction. We are still saying goodbyes and there are a few next year that will really change both of our kids' lives. It will be our son's second really close friend to move away and our daughter's second as well. It gets harder each time. 

Oh yes, since we have been here we have one more family member. Our daughter Sofia. More on her next time. 

But, what I came here to say is that I want to use this place as a place for reflection on our homeschool journey. Our choices of curriculum, book choices, review of resources, etc. Information I have found useful over the years and why we choose the resources we have and do. 

For reference, our son is Year 6 Ambleside this year (11 years old) and our Daughter (8 years old) is between Year 2 and 3 for various reasons. I will explain those later and my decision making process. 

I am beginning this blog at the prodding of my husband. He is the one who always pushes me to keep up with writing. Other than this blog, our son and I have been writing a book about our adventures here in HK. I really hope we can finish it up this year, hire an illustrator and get it published and out for sale. 

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